A lot of people have problems with their cats urinating inside the house, leaving behind the retched odor of cat pee. Others get frustrated when feral or stray cats pee on their porch, patio, or anywhere else outside of their house, as it's not the most welcoming odor when guests arrive.
This quick article will outline several ways to stop stray cats from urinating on the exterior of someone's home.
Block Entry Ways for Neighborhood Cats
Sometimes it seems like you have cats living under your house and peeing all over the place. Why does it seem this way? Because that's exactly what's happening. The result is the horrible, ammonia rich-smell of cat urine seemingly emanating from the floor. (This especially happens to older homes.) In fact, the smell is so strong that many people think a cat has somehow gotten into their home and on their carpet.
To prevent this occurrence, make sure you block every entry point below your home. You'd be amazed how small a hole a cat climb in. Plus, you don't want to just keep cats out. You wan to block cats and their food, i.e. mice, rats, and other little critters. This way you'll remove one of the main incentives cats have for going underneath your home in the first place.
Humanely Urge the Cats to Go Somewhere Else
What do all cats hate? Water! Go to the store and buy a supersoaker or some other water gun that allows you to spray a steady stream of water a long distance. After a few rounds of being drenched, the cat should move to someone else's house.
Implement a TNR Program
The third and final option is definitely the best. TNR stands for trap, neuter, and release. The basic idea behind this is that you'll trap the cat (using a humane trap of course), take it to the vet to be neutered or spayed, and then return it back into the wild.
Most people wonder, "Why should I go to all of this trouble?". Because, it's only true solution. After the cats have been fixed, they obviously can't have any more kittens. So, you'll be solving the problem at it's root.
For more information on TNR, you can visit the The Neighborhood Cats website.
If you want to take a more direct approach by using a cat pee odor removal products, you can check out this video to see how find urine stains in order to remove them.
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